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Sourcing Brain v3.6 Build 37
Sourcing Brain v3.6 Build 37

A variety of Sourcing Brain bug fixes and technical bug fixes have been addressed in Build 37 as detailed below.

Pollyanna Puddephat avatar
Written by Pollyanna Puddephat
Updated over 2 years ago

In this guide


RR-933 - Having chosen a product which displayed the word REFER in one of the calculated column, when producing an illustration, the software was not prompting the user to enter a figure in place of the word REFER. This fix now ensures that the user is always prompted to enter a figure for a REFER amount prior to producing an illustration.

RR-1071 - The printed version of the scheme list was showing incorrect values in the Val + Admin Fee column. The printout treated the Val + Admin Fee column as Admin Fee only and this was the reason for the incorrect figure. Print outs of the scheme list are now being correctly portrayed.

RR-47 - When entering data into the ‘Can I save by remortgaging’ calculator and pressing enter rather than tabbing to the next field, incorrect behaviour was experienced with the software opening up a new tab. This was causing confusion by the user but has now been addressed ensuring the user is kept on the same tab.

RR-640 - Within the ‘How much is stamp duty’ calculator, there was a formatting error in the numerical display which was displayed after selecting the calculate button. The ‘comma’ has now been correctly inserted and makes the amount displayed clearer.

RR-711 - The Remortgage v Second Charge comparison report was showing a slight discrepancy in one of the figures on the Total Cost ex ERC & Mortgage (N years) when viewing on screen – it was including the monthly mortgage payment. The printout of the comparison report was displaying correctly. Now figures compared on screen are accurately displayed.

RR-748 - The user’s email address was being displayed in a few fields within the software. These fields were the ‘cost to redeem existing loan now’ on the Start tab and the Scheme ID column heading when using the advanced filters in the scheme list. This was as a result of the browser having saved login details stored. The prepop has now been corrected.

RR-95 - Within the scheme list window, when the sourcing results are displayed, the Lender Filter (Lender exclude feature) was being reset when hiding the Advanced Filters. This resulted in schemes that had been excluded via the lender filter reappearing when the advanced filters were being applied.

RR-728 - When entering a negative figure in the Max Overhang or Max Tie In Period field within the Product Filters tab, clicking on the results resulted in some strange behaviour and an Error [1001] message. The field has now been addressed to ensure that this does not happen.

RR-851 - The print function on the best buy scheme list was opening up a blank tab rather than a view of the best buys for printing which meant it couldn’t be printed. This has been rectified and the best buy tables can now be printed when required.

RR-106 - Within the Illustration set up area, under the Fees tab, when a fee was showing as REFER, the loan amount and total borrowing were not correctly matching therefore causing confusion at this point. Now addressed and matching the figures in the scheme list.

Technical Fixes

RR-992 - When using our integration method API, there was a bug preventing the No Existing Mortgage filter from prepopulating data across into sourcing. This was resulting in products for unencumbered properties not being displayed and requiring the user to apply this filter when in sourcing. Now working correctly as expected.

RR-65 - TFS36802 KFI Audit data coming from companies with an ampersand in the name was not being saved to the KFI database.

RR-789 - The Affordability Webhook (AHAPI) has been upgraded to a more secure version to mitigate security vulnerabilities.

RR-764 - For third party integrators, when using the integration test harness, if the numerical text field exceeded the max number of characters, the error message was not descriptive enough. This has now been changed to a clearer message explaining the issue if experienced.

RR-765 - Within the MBIntegrationServiceTest.exe, the CCJs and Arrears Name and the ClientMapping differed. Now corrected for integrators.

RR-906 - Upgrade of devexpress controls to the latest version have been carried out. These have moved from V21.2.3 to V22.2.3.

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