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Sourcing Brain v3.6 Release Notes for Sprint 35 and 36
Sourcing Brain v3.6 Release Notes for Sprint 35 and 36

Changes to Sourcing Brain have been made as follows.

Pollyanna Puddephat avatar
Written by Pollyanna Puddephat
Updated over 2 years ago

In this guide:

A number of bug fixes have been made within Sprint 35 and 36. These are detailed below with further explanations where necessary.

Sourcing Brain v3.6.35

Affordability Brain Integration

Reports of users being stuck on "Mortgage Brain Processing Search Results" when attempting to return to Sourcing Brain. This fix corrected the integration ‘hanging’ when pulling back the results from Affordability Brain into Sourcing Brain.

Affordable Mortgage Amount within the Sourcing tab

If an affordable mortgage amount was entered in Sourcing and an amber product was subsequently chosen, if the explanation text for the chosen product contained an ampersand, this resulted in an error message and the illustration documents were not being saved.

Amend Scenario function

When using the Amend Scenario option and amending the rate control, this was not being retained for the sourcing scenario and therefore schemes outside of the originally chosen rate control were being displayed.

Affordability Stress Test document

This document forms part of the Illustration package. The template document displayed text that read ‘No budget planner was completed’. This was misleading as it related to the fact that no budget planner had been completed within Sourcing Brain. The Affordability Stress Test template has been amended to remove this text.

Product Selection Report > Settings function

To improve performance, there is now a limit of 100 schemes that can be included within the Product Selection Report. This limit has been applied to the Settings function. It also applies to Corporate settings.

Scheme Details > Mortgage Completion Date

Within the Scheme Details section, available from within the scheme list window, there is information included (where available) relating to the Mortgage Completion Date. Not all lenders have a specific date, alternative text explanation has been included for these lenders.

Sourcing tab > Mandatory Fields

Within the Sourcing tab, if the Show Cost Over (years/months) box was left blank, a mandatory pop up box appeared. The text on the pop up box was not aligned with the text on the Sourcing tab and therefore created confusion as to what needed to be completed. This has now been corrected.

Results Column Order > Settings function

Within the Settings function of the Results Column Order where the scheme list can be customised, the software was displaying a blank screen instead of the list of columns available.

Debt Calculator

When in the Refinance tab, the mandatory field warnings were not working resulting in specific information not being collected correctly.

Verified Product Status

If fees were amended for a Verified product at point of illustration, there was no pop up box appearing that informed the user that the Verified status would be invalidated. The warning has now been included.

Deleting clients for direct users

For direct users of sourcing (not Key integrated) the ability to delete clients had been suppressed. This has been reinstated so that clients can now be deleted from Sourcing Brain.

Sourcing Brain v3.6.36

Affordability Brain integration

When using the integration between Sourcing Brain and Affordability Brain, there was the ability to accidentally clear data which resulted in all of the client information being cleared (not deleted). The Clear button has been reworked so that it only clears specific information and not all of the data previously keyed.

Remortgage vs Second Charge Comparison

When comparing a remortgage product vs second charge product, the comparison screen showed some anomalies on what figures were being included in some of the columns.

Multiple Scenario Icon

As part of the gap analysis work, there is now an icon within the Scheme List which details what filters have been applied to the active scenario. When creating multiple scenarios, the icon will display filters for each one allowing the user to easily select the scenario they wish to work with.

ESIS Reference Code

As part of the gap analysis work, our unique ESIS reference code displayed on the bottom of each page of the illustration wasn’t being displayed correctly. All versions of the reference codes have now been corrected to ensure they clearly display verified/KFI checked products and non verified/non KFI checked products.

REFER fees

If the property price is over £1 million, with a Val fee of REFER, the Fees Added box within the illustration tab was showing a negative figure instead of the word REFER.

Manual Exclude function

When using the Manual exclude scheme function, the exclude function was not being retained when switching from one tab to another and therefore bringing back previously removed lenders.

Quick Calculator

As part of the gap analysis work, the ‘Quick Calc’ has now been included within the Scheme List. This was an item that had been raised by a number of brokers who had moved from Classic. The calculator is available from the bottom right hand side of the Scheme List window.


When creating 'Favourites' the remortgage filters were not working correctly and therefore not allowing the ability to save Remortgage favourite searches.

Scheme List window

Performance improvements have been made within the Scheme List window which have resulted in a slight change to the highlighting on the scheme list. The highlighting of the scheme has been removed when using the checkboxes. The reason for this change is because each time the scheme was being checked, and subsequently highlighted, it was making a call to refresh the sidebar details. So to improve performance, now the user checks the box and there is no highlighting of the scheme.

It should be noted that this is a completely different function from the highlighting of a scheme to illustrate it. The user can click on any scheme anywhere on the line to highlight it and this is then the scheme that will be illustrated when selecting the Illustration button. The user does not need to check the box adjacent to the scheme to produce an illustration.

The checkboxes are only there for use when excluding schemes or comparing schemes.

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