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Sourcing Brain - Release Notes v3.6.26 (Eclipse)
Sourcing Brain - Release Notes v3.6.26 (Eclipse)

Details of changes and enhancements to the latest version of Sourcing Brain.

Written by Hayden Richardson
Updated over 2 years ago

In this guide:

Documented below are the changes to Sourcing Brain v3.6.26.

Sourcing - Hometrack integration

Sourcing Brain now integrates with Hometrack, the leading provider of property AVMs in the UK. Hometrack can be accessed via Sourcing Brain’s Home screen, and also from Sourcing Brain’s Sourcing tab, both screens are shown below.

Note that Hometrack opens in a separate browser window to Sourcing Brain. Having clicked on the Hometrack button, start entering the address of the property the valuation is required for.

This will automatically start displaying addresses that match the address being entered. Select the correct address from the list.

The address requiring the property value is displayed on the screen. Press Get Valuation to make a call to Hometrack to retrieve the property valuation.

The screen shows the call being made to Hometrack.

Hometrack returns the valuation for the property together with further information that it knows about the property. At this point the user can close the browser window down and return to Sourcing Brain.

Or, there is the option to display a PDF of the information captured. This can be saved to the required location. The PDF document, together with the browser window, can both then be closed and the user can return back to Sourcing Brain.

Amendments to the Sourcing Workflow

Changes have been made to some of the tool bar names to offer a clearer user journey when creating multiple sourcing scenarios. The main reason a user wishes to amend the filters is to provide the customer with different scenarios, with different criteria to demonstrate the differences in cost, term, LTV, etc. This feature has been included in our software for some time, however, feedback provided by users stated that it wasn’t clear to understand the process. To make the user journey clearer, we have amended some of the wording on the tool bar icons.

  • New Search has been changed to Add Scenario – this allows the user to create as many different scenarios as required. When clicking on this button, the user will be taken back to the filters screens, amendments can be made and results displayed. It will retain all existing Scenarios and will display them as ‘multiple tabs’ each with their own name, as shown below.

  • Change Filters has been changed to Amend Scenario – if the user wishes to amend a scenario, then it must be selected first from the display of scenarios. When clicking on Amend Scenario, this will take the user back to the filter screens where information can be amended. Clicking on Results, will only amend the change to that specific scenario. All other scenarios will still maintain their own filters that have been applied.

  • ‘Source’ tab has been changed to read Scenario 1, Scenario 2, etc

There is also a new logic in place which will avoid a user being able to create several scenarios with different purchase types. A warning box will be displayed which will need to be acknowledged before continuing.

Customising the scheme list print columns

Within the Settings function, which can be found on the top right hand side of the tool bar, there is the ability to reconfigure the column order print out.

In the Results Column Order tab, there are two columns displayed to the right of the column name. These are ‘width’ and print checkboxes. Any number of columns can be chosen to be included on the print out, as long as they do not exceed the total width of the table, which is 800 characters. Each column provides the number of characters contained within it, and the width counter shows how many characters are included. The total width counter will adjust as columns are added to the print out.

The preview button allows the user to preview a view of the scheme list before saving the changes. Please note that you are advised to log out and log back in to allow the software to take account of the changes applied.

Note: your column order may be fixed by your network and therefore this function may not be available to you.

Multiple Lender Exclude/Scheme selection

Amendments have been made to the filtering to allow for the temporary exclusion of more than one lender when in the scheme list.

By clicking on the filter icon, as shown below. This will display a list of the lenders included in the scheme list results.

By default, all lenders are included – as shown with the inclusion of a tick in the check box. Once the user removes the ticks, a free text box appears which requires the reason for the inclusion to be input.

Multiple lenders can be selected and multiple reasons can be provided. Once lenders and reason for exclusion have been completed, the Apply button should be used to apply the changes.

The filter icon within the Lender column will change to green to indicate that this filter has been applied.

The excluded lenders are moved to the Unmatched schemes and the reason for their exclusion is also recorded in the side bar to the right, as shown below.

If the lender/s need to be reinstated, click back on the filters icon within the matched schemes section and tick the box adjacent to the lender name. This will move it from the unmatched schemes back to the matched scheme list.

The lenders and the reason for exclusion is also carried across into the Product Selection Report ensuring there is a clear compliance trail available.

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