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Submissions Brain Release Notes v1.6 - Sprint 29-30
Submissions Brain Release Notes v1.6 - Sprint 29-30

Internal Use Only - details of changes and enhancements to the latest version of Submissions Brain.

Pollyanna Puddephat avatar
Written by Pollyanna Puddephat
Updated over 3 years ago

In this guide

Submissions Brain Release Notes – Sprint 29

This sprint focused mainly on bug fixes.

Barclays AIP

Bug fixes were made to areas that were present in the form but missing from the JSON.

Submissions Brain Key Integration > MI Event for Logging Into Submissions Brain Not Logged

When an integration call was made from the Key to log into Submissions Brain, there was no MI logging events recorded. This has now been rectified.

LBG > Halifax form

Corrections made to the Halifax form to ensure that when you first launch the Halifax Bank AIP the questions Estimated Valuation and Purchase Price are now made visible.

Virgin Form > Convert incomplete form error

When trying to convert an incomplete Virgin AIP to another Virgin AIP or FMA, an error occurred. This has now been addressed.

Attach Documents > File name error

When attempting to attach a document that contains two full stops (rich.test.pdf) Submissions Brain was displaying an error that was not very user friendly.

Attach Documents > Upload documents from The Key and error uploading

A change was made to the user journey to disable the Upload button until documents have been selected for upload. This now makes the usability clearer and removes the risk of generating an error message.

Actions/Documents > Forms with errors not showing in the Actions list

A bug fix was made to ensure that forms with form errors/actions appeared in the Actions list within the documents Icon on the Submissions Brain grid screen.

Submissions Brain Release Notes – Sprint 30

Barclays Live Transform Fix

Development work carried out for this.

Nationwide form development

This is underway.

Barclays Form

Bug fix made surrounding the Outstanding balance and maintenance commitment.

Development - Scenario testing for Barclays

12 Barclays scenarios all available for testing on the Sandbox ready for UAT testing to commence.

Platform BAU changes

Minor change made to their DIP and FMA forms, for both MTE and Submissions Brain. The change is to a question in the form that now reads 'Do you intend to select a 5 year or a 10 year fixed rate?'

Barclays support provided for setting up their live environments

Edge Browser > Print Window > Help icon > Print Window disappears behind main browser window

A UI issue was picked up when selecting the Help icon (?) as this was causing other windows to be hidden when returning back to the main Submissions Brain window.

Form Upgrade > Forms not upgrading that have been previously sent

This was a bug fix made as the upgrade functionality was not working on forms that had been previously sent.

Send/Track > attempts to re-upload previously saved documents - Error 413 - Request entity too large - should NOT re-upload "attachment_*.*" files

Bug found by MBL Ireland. When carrying out a Send/Track of a case where there are 'attached' documents which, combined with the files Submissions Brain saves for a case (e.g. mbl.xml, client.xml etc.), exceed 30Mb, Submissions Brain gives an error when trying to update the status of the case.

Documents > Actions list > Attach Documents > Option to add more documents getting removed after adding initial document

Once documents had been added to a form, the option to add more disappeared from the action list. This then meant the user had to start again from the beginning with adding in all the documents. Fix has been made to address this.

Send/Track > Inactivity timeout will log user out even while actively Send/Tracking

A UI change has been made to ensure that the Send/Track - Inactivity timeout does not log out the user whilst actively Send/Tracking.

Convert > Case ID not carried forward from AIP to another AIP when 'Convert' done

This bug mainly affected Haven, but was replicated using Platform too. Fix made to address this.

Contact Info etc. > customising for MBL Ireland

Contact information for MBL Ireland, relating to phone numbers, support contact details, office hours etc. has been set to the appropriate values for MBL Ireland on the Lendex Ireland Live service.

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