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Sourcing Brain - Release notes for v3.6.19
Sourcing Brain - Release notes for v3.6.19
Pollyanna Puddephat avatar
Written by Pollyanna Puddephat
Updated over 3 years ago

Details of changes and enhancements to the latest version of Sourcing Brain.

In this guide:

Further improvements to the functionality and flow of Sourcing Brain v3.6 have been made in the latest sprint, Sprint 19. This version was made live to all users on 12 December 2021.

The changes are as follows.

Broker Setting providing functionality for the number of schemes to be printed

Within the Settings function, there is the ability for users to select how many schemes are displayed when printing from the scheme list. The max number is currently set at 100.

‘Grey out’ child filters full text (includes checkboxes)

To assist with the workflow and usability, all child filters text and checkboxes are greyed out when they are not applicable to the parent filter that has been selected.

Reasons for Exclusion - more descriptive

Some of the Reasons for Exclusion within Sourcing Brain have been expanded to provide more detail as to the reason the scheme is in the unmatched section.

Changes have been made to the Reasons for Exclusion pop up box when moving from the filters screens into the scheme list and also the sidebar information within the scheme list.

The following screen shows more information as to why there are no schemes matched. The options are available to return to the filter screens and amend the chosen filters, or to view the unmatched schemes which will also display the reason for each excluded scheme.

The following screen highlights how to access the Unmatched schemes. Once the unmatched schemes are displayed, then click on the Show Details sidebar pop out to display the Reasons for Exclusion as shown in the second screen below.

From the Unmatched Schemes list, the side bar provides a list of all the reasons the scheme has been excluded. The list of reasons is displayed in the order at which the scheme hits the filters for sourcing and subsequently fails.

Graphing Calculator (Prototype only)

In this sprint, we have been working on prototyping how the Graphing Calculator will look and work. This has all been completed, and our new screens for this function will be included in the following sprint. The Graphing Calculator will allow the ability to demonstrate overpayments, underpayments, payment holidays, etc. The documentation can be printed out displaying a graph and payment schedule and this will be automatically saved back to the client file. Full information on the functionality will be included in the next release notes.

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