The Key: Template Letters

This guide explains how to create templated letters, emails or texts for The Key.

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Written by Marketing
Updated over a week ago

In this guide:

An integral part of The Key system is the ability to generate from a templated letter library, personalised letters, emails, or texts.

To access the Template Letter Generator navigate to Setup. From this option, select the sub menu Letters (yellow highlight).

From this page it is possible to :

Create a new template

It is possible to create two different template types:

Option 1: A template using an editor that will generate a Microsoft Word-based document.

After pressing New select Word from the available options.

The Word Editor will now be displayed, the area highlighted yellow contains Mail Merge fields. These fields allows client and or product related data to be added into the letter. Here's an example of a email template, the Subject (green highlight) will be the name of the saved template.

The screenshot below shows the document created from the template. Use either of the buttons highlighted green and yellow to export the document to Outlook either as an attachment to an email or as the text body of an email.

In this screen shot the Email Text is selected, the template name is used as the subject of the email. Note there is also a Tracker Id added to the subject line. The tracker ID allows The Key to save a copy of the client's reply to this email.

Option 2: A template using an editor that will specifically create email templates that utilise HTML. Click here to view more information.

Edit an existing template

Select the template to be edited and press Edit (yellow highlight)

The selected template is displayed in the Word Editor, once the required changes are made, press Save then Close, to return the Letter Template screen.

If the document requires a header and footer then it is best to leave adding these features to the document once the template text has been added. Select Edit in Word button and add the header and footer to the Word document. Once the changes have been made, save and close the Word document to return to The Key Word Editor. Press save and close to return to the Letter Templates page.

Use a document saved elsewhere as a basis for a template

Press Add Existing File (yellow highlight).

Windows Explorer opens and if required, navigate to the location of the file to be added. Note the file types that can be used to create Key Template Documents.

In the screenshot below Template.docx has been selected. Press Open to add the document.

The Key will use the document name as the template name however it is possible to amend the name by overtyping the existing description with a new name, press OK to add the template.

Delete a template

Select the template that is to be deleted, press Delete (yellow highlight).

Deletion will only take place once OK is selected.

Manage the Properties of Saved Templates

The Document Settings button permits various settings to be applied to the selected template, press Document Settings to launch the Editor.

The Template Editor allows specific characteristics to be applied to the document.

Points to note:

Category relates to Document Category the template letter is to be linked to. For more information on setting up Document Categories, click here.

If The Key has been configured to use the Branch/Team option, the template document can be restricted to a specific group.

It is possible to restrict access to All Users, a Single User or a User that has a particular status.

The remaining check boxes are self explanatory. Note: If the template is going be treated as a Text Message remember that there is limit of 160 characters for text messaging.

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