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The Key: Editing the Reasons Why Letter Wizard
The Key: Editing the Reasons Why Letter Wizard

Help and guidance on creating a bespoke letter with the Reasons Why Letter wizard

Pollyanna Puddephat avatar
Written by Pollyanna Puddephat
Updated over 3 years ago

In this guide:

The Reasons Why Letter (RWL) functionality within The Key allows for a bespoke letter to be created for each product sold based on a standard template, but with the ability to amend and edit the final document on a case-by-case basis. As well as editing each individual document it is possible to amend the base template, as well as create additional templates for use in specific cases, e.g. where an RWL is required for a non-regulated case.

To access the Reasons Why Letter Wizard navigate to Set up. From this option, select the sub menu General, and then the tab entitled Disclosure/RWL (yellow highlight). Then press Edit Reason Why Letter button (green highlight).

A new window will appear:

From this window it is possible to:

Amend the text contained within an existing Paragraph

Select from the Product Type drop down list the template to be edited, in this example Mortgage (Default), select the paragraph to be edited (Residential Loan), the Paragraph Text window will load the text contained within the paragraph.

Select the Edit button to load the Edit Paragraph Detail window.

Sequence: This is the number of the paragraph, determining where it appears in the letter as well as the ‘wizard’ that is used to create the RWL.

Group: This is the parent title for situations where a number of paragraphs fall under a similar heading. For example, in a Mortgage case there may be a group name called ERC. Within this, there would be two separate paragraphs, one for where an ERC is present and one for where there is no ERC. It could be considered as a sub-heading within an RWL.

Selection Title: Within each group, each item needs to be separately identified. This is the text that the user will see when creating the RWL, and therefore needs to summarise the contents of the item.

Type: This indicates the nature of the paragraph, of which there are a number of alternatives.

Checkbox: This produces a square checkbox allowing for the selection of the item. In these cases, multiple sections under the same group name could be selected.

Option: In this case, each item under a group name becomes a mutually exclusive option, i.e. only one can be selected.

Screen Only: In this case, the item will only appear on the screen during the RWL wizard, and not on the final letter.

Print Only: This item will appear in the wizard, but without the ability to deselect. It will automatically be included in the final letter.

Default Where: This allows a paragraph to be pre-selected when certain circumstances are met, e.g. automatically select the appropriate paragraph according to whether it is a purchase, remortgage, and so on. In the example below the wizard will automatically select the paragraph relating to purchase should the product record being used to create RWL be an noted as a purchase.

Text to be inserted into document: The actual text that appears within the RWL.

At least one selection is required from this group: The screenshot below shows three separate paragraphs, Group title Reason for Lender is highlighted in red, indicating that this condition has been applied to this section. Until a selection is made from this group it is not possible to view the completed TWL document.

Mail Merge Fields: By using the appropriate mail merge field the finished document will contain the correct information recording the Client or Product concerned. All the available merge fields are located within the various folders immediately below Mail Merge Fields. In the screen shot below, this paragraph will provide details of the mortgage applied for.

The Key will check each merge field again the active Product Record and replace the Merge fields with the data held in the record. This is how the relevant section looks in the actual letter:

When a merge field folder is selected it will expand to show the available individual merge fields that can be used. Here's an example of some of the data held within the Mortgage Details folder:

To use a merge field, place your cursor at the point you wished the merge field to sit in your paragraph, then select from the list of available merge fields the required item. The Key will then add the merge field to your paragraph.

The paragraph in this RWL does not include the adviser's job title.

To add a job title to below the Advisors Name, place the curser where the job title should be. Then select Adviser from the Mail Merge Fields list and click on Job_Title from the list. The merge field is now where you want it to be in your letter, you have also increased the gap between Yours sincerely and <<ADVISOR.FIRSTNAME>> <<ADVISOR.SURNAME>> by pressing the Enter repeatedly until you are happy with the spacing.

Adding Paragraph(s) to an existing RWL

Use the Add button (highlight yellow).

The Add Paragraph Detail window launches:

The Add Paragraph Detail window launches:

Sequence: This is the number of the paragraph, the default setting is 99 when adding a new paragraph. Amend the value to correspond to the location of the paragraph in your letter.

Group: There are already many pre-set group names that can be used. If a new group name is required overtype the new Group name, the new name will be added to the existing list.

Selection Title: Within each group, each item needs to be separately identified. This is the text that the user will see when creating the RWL, and therefore needs to summarise the contents of the item.

Type: This indicates the nature of the paragraph, of which there are a number of alternatives.

Checkbox: This produces a square checkbox allowing for the selection of the item. In these cases, multiple sections under the same group name could be selected.

Option: In this case, each item under a group name becomes a mutually exclusive option, i.e. only one can be selected.

Screen Only: In this case, the item will only appear on the screen during the RWL wizard, and not on the final letter.

Print Only: This item will appear in the wizard, but without the ability to deselect. It will automatically be included in the final letter.

Default Where: This allows a paragraph to be pre-selected when certain circumstances are met, e.g. automatically select the appropriate paragraph according to whether it is a purchase, remortgage, and so on. In the example below the wizard will automatically select the paragraph relating to purchase should the product record being used to create RWL be an noted as a purchase.

To create the condition press the Edit button.

Press Add to launch the Conditional Rule Editor:

Select Basis (green highlight) from the Product Folder (yellow highlight). The selected merge field (blue highlight) is inserted in the Rule Merge Field Box. Use the drop down to select the required comparison method. The example below shows an example of a completed rule. To allow the rule to run the product record must relate to purchase. Anything else e.g. remortgage, lifetime etc will not trigger the rule.

Text to be inserted into document: Text placed between <<BOLD>> will show in the RWL in bold format. Text can be copied and pasted directly from an external document, any formatting in the source document will be lost.

Although the heading is in bold format this will be lost when the add paragraph window is closed. The cursor (highlighted yellow) in this position will create in the RWL a line of blank text. To remove the blank line use the backspace key to the cursor to end of the copied text (see below).

At least one selection is required from this group: The screenshot below shows three separate paragraphs, group title Reason for Lender is highlighted in red, indicating that this condition has been applied to this section. Until a selection is made from this group it is not possible to view the completed TWL document.

Mail Merge Fields: By using the appropriate mail merge field the finished document will contain the correct information recording the Client or Product concerned. All the available merge fields are located within the various folders immediately below Mail Merge Fields. In the screen shot below, this paragraph will provide details of the adviser responsible for the product sale.

The screenshot below will show the advisers name and job title in the RWL.

Create a new RWL from scratch

Press the Add Product Type button (yellow highlight), type the name of the new product type in the dialogue box then press save.

RWL is now ready to be created.

Select the Rename Selection Title option and press Edit.

Complete each part of the form and press save, repeat for each paragraph that is to be added to the RWL.

Ensure that each paragraph has a unique Sequence ID. Best practice is to use a sequence such as 10, 20, 30 etc. Should additional paragraphs be required at a later date then its possible to use one of the intermediate sequence ID's to ensure correct placement of the additional paragraph in the RWL.

Create a New RWL based on an existing template

Use the Copy From Template button and select from the available templates the required template.

The screenshot below shows an example of a new template being created based on an existing template, it is possible to rename the new template. Once all the changes have been made press OK.

A copy of the chosen template will now be available for editing.

Delete an existing RWL Template

Go to the desired template and press Delete (yellow highlight).

Press Yes to confirm the deletion.

Export a copy of an existing RWL template to a folder on a PC

This option allows a copy of the selected Product Type RWL to be saved either to a file in the local PC, removeable drive, or cloud based storage.

In this example My RWL will be saved to a folder within My Documents in my PC.

Press save to finish the action.

Import a copy of an existing RWL Template from a folder on a PC

This option allows a saved copy a Product Type RWL to be uploaded to The Key. The file local of the source file can be in the local PC, removeable drive or cloud based storage.

In this example my saved RWL file is located in a folder My Saved RWLS within My Documents in my PC.

Select the required file and once you press Open, The Key will import a copy of this file. The original file name will be displayed however should a different Product Type RWL name be required, make the required changes and press OK.

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