In this guide:
Navigate to Set up, select the General Sub Folder and click on the Disclosure/RWL Tab (highlighted yellow). To enable the Reasons Why Letter (RWL) place a tick in the Check Box (highlighted green).
The RWL generator can be further customised via the following options:
Enable Branch Level RWL
This option is designed to provide different parts of the business access to their own RWL templates. e.g. a large Key user has separate trading brands and the letter templates provided to each brand is different in style and content. To ensure each brand has access to only the RWL template they use enable Branch Level RWL.
Note: separate templates will be required for each part of the business.
Use Standard Paragraphs
This option hides any user generated RWL templates and also deactivates the Edit Reasons Why Letter button.
Edit Reasons Why Letter
This option is activated when the Use Standard Paragraphs check box is left unchecked.
Find more detailed guidance on this option here.
Use Multiple RWL Templates
This option allows a particular RWL template to be linked with the RWL.
Save RWL as Read-only PDF File
This option saves a completed RWL as an Adobe PDF document, effectively locking the document and making it un editable (unless there is pdf editing software installed on the pc the pdf is being viewed on). If this option is enabled then Create a copy of all RWL Document Modifications is deactivated.
Create a copy of all RWL Document Modifications
This option will allow copies of the RWL be saved following modification. If this option is enabled then Save RWL as Read-only PDF File is deactivated.
Allow Saving of a Partially Completed RWL
This option allows the saving a of a draft RWL. This means it is possible to temporarily save an RWL, leave the relevant customer record, work on another customer record, then at a later time or date, return to the draft RWL and continue to work on the document.
If this option is enabled the following prompt will be shown when the RWL is closed:
Select No to save as a Draft to allow subsequent editing of this document.
Suppress MortgageBrain Classic Scheme Summary
If this option is not selected the RWL document will include a summary of available products, the red highlight relates to the product recommended in the RWL Document. Select this option if the summary is not required.
Note: this summary is not produced if Sourcing Brain is used as the sourcing tool.
Prevent Editing RWL in Microsoft Word
Select this option to remove the link to Word (yellow highlight).
Force Saving a of Generated RWL Document
Select this option to automatically save the RWL without a prompt.
Make the RWL Highlighted Insert Fields Mandatory
There will always be parts of the RWL that require user input, these sections are highlighted in yellow in the document. At the bottom of the letter The Key lists the unanswered fields (highlighted green), select each field in turn, this action will place your cursor at the correct point in the document. There is no need to delete the yellow highlighted area, just enter the information directly into the document. Repeat for all sections.
With this option selected any attempt to save the document without completing all the unanswered fields will generate this warning message.
Should the Allow Saving of a Partially Completed RWL option also be enabled the above warning will not be displayed. The RWL will be saved as a Draft automatically.