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The Key: Setting up the Key Client Portal
The Key: Setting up the Key Client Portal

This guide will look at creating the Key Client Portal Web Pages

Written by Hayden Richardson
Updated over 3 years ago

In this guide:

As part of the package of features offered by The Key, it is possible to provide your clients with always on access to their account with you.

Creating the Key Client Portal

From the Home page navigate to the General Sub Folder located within Set Up and select the Online tab. Click on the Portal Set Up button.

Portal Themes Set Up page will load and be ready for editing.

Options are:

  • Changing either the background colour and/or the font colour

  • Adding a logo or banner

  • Making changes to the Online Client Fact Find

  • Linking to Open Banking Applications

  • Linking to a Credit Reference Provider

  • Making changes to Remortgage Review Module

  • Saving or discarding changes

Changing either the Background colour and or the Font colour

Click on either button (highlighted yellow) to open the Colour Palette.

The Colour Palette window allows the selection of a new background colour for the Key Portal pages.

If the specific RGB values attributed to a specific colour are known, enter these values and as the values are entered the disc to left of the horizontal slider will change to show the actual colour. Alternatively there are two slider controls that can be used to pick the required colour, again the disc will change colour as the sliders are moved. Confirm the changes by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard or by clicking on Select Colour.

Adding a Logo or Banner

To add a different logo to the Key Portal pages click on either Choose File button.

A new window will appear. Navigate to the required folder that holds the logo file.

Ensure the file format of the logo is any of the following: png, gif, jpg, jpeg or ico, select required file and press Open. The Key Portal page will refresh and the chosen logo will now be in place.

Repeat for the Login Screen logo - experiment with different sizes of logo until the correct look is achieved.

Adding or deleting a banner.

Follow the same process for adding a logo and remember to ensure the file format of the logo is any of the following: png, gif, jpg, jpeg or ico. Select the required file and press Open. The new banner will be added to the existing banners list. To delete a banner, click on the X to the right of the image of the banner that is no longer required.

Making Changes to the Online Client Fact Find

It is possible to rename or hide any of the tabs in the Online Fact Find as well as renaming the Fact Find button itself. Overtype the new name in the relevant text box to change from the default setting. To hide a particular tab, remove the tick from the relevant Check Box. Press the Save button to confirm the changes.

Linking to Open Banking Applications

This function is not yet available, it will be made available in a future release of The Key.

Linking to a Credit Reference Provider

It is possible to link your Key Portal to Credit Karma. By using this link Key Portal users will be able to obtain a copy of their Credit Reference data held by Credit Karma.

Place a tick in the Check Box beside Enable Credit Provider Links, to activate the application. There's also a dialogue box that can be used to add personalised instructions to the client when the integration is in use.

Making Changes to Remortgage Review Module

Many clients have mortgage products that are subject to a short-term incentive rate. (e.g. 2 years Fixed Rate deals). The Key Remortgage Module has the ability to identify products that are coming to end of the Incentive Rate Period. As the product reaches a specific mile point an email is sent to the product holder an example is shown below.

Select the Configure Reviews button to activate the configuration page.

Saving or Discarding Changes

To save changes made to the Key Portal, click on the Save button (highlighted yellow).

To discard the changes made and return the Key Portal to the default settings, click on the Load Default Theme button (highlighted pink) *All changes made will be discarded*.

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