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The Key: Creating a New Client
The Key: Creating a New Client

This guide focuses on the Client function within The Key

Written by Hayden Richardson
Updated over 3 years ago

In this guide:

The Key allows a new contact to be managed in two distinct processes, Leads or Clients. This guide will focus on the Client function.

Recording a new client

To record a Client select the New Client button on The Key Dashboard

The Create New Client page is displayed. The Key requires a title, first name and surname to be recorded for one or two clients, note the red and white exclamation mark indicator beside each entry, until all entries that have this indicator are completed it may not be possible to navigate away from active page.

Note: this indicator will be displayed throughout on many of the input screens in the Key to indicate that an entry must be recorded in the relevant text box.

Enter the details of the client(s), the mandatory indicators will disappear as each field is completed. Once all the mandatory items are completed the client record can be created, however it is possible to record more information about the client i.e. type of product to be discussed (e.g. mortgage or insurance) or the source of this new business (e.g. recommendation from an existing client, from a mailshot, or as a result of a marketing campaign etc.)

If the user creating the new client is an adviser The Key will allocate the client to this user, it is possible to allocate the client to another adviser, select the new adviser from the dropdown list. If a different administrator is required follow the same process.

Should an administrator create a New Client Record, no adviser will be allocated by The Key and it is the administrators responsibility to allocate an adviser using the process above.

The Key has the capacity to associate a professional contact e.g. estate agent, solicitor or accountant with a new client record. These contacts are known as Introducers. The introducer can be created at the same as the new client or if the Introducer is already on file then it's possible to search the Contacts database and link an existing Introducer with the new client.

Once the required information is recorded, check that Create as a Lead is set to No then press Create Client and the Client Contacts page now loads.

The Client Contacts page consists of the Main Details tab (automatically displayed) and the Additional Information tab.

Main Details

Ensure that Present Address, Date of Birth, Title, and Sex fields are completed. If any of these fields remain empty it will not be possible to progress to the next stage of the new client creation process which is Fact Find. Note: It is possible extend the mandatory items to include Phone Numbers and Email Addresses. The screen shot shows the location of the page in set up that manages these features.

Additional Information

This tab allows Amending Client Salutation, Recording Client GDPR Preferences, and Adding an Introducer to the Client Record.

Amending Client Salutation

The default salutation can be amended by replacing the text (yellow highlight).

Recording Client GDPR Preferences

The Consent Manager button activates the following form.

The Consent Manager can be customised, the screen shot below shows the location of the page in Setup that manages these features.

This page also provides for the issuing of a Privacy Policy document. The source document must be saved in the Letter Templates folder located in Setup.

Ensure that the template name is in the format shown below when saving the Privacy Policy document.

Multiple Privacy Policy documents can be saved to The Key in this manner. The Key will present a list of all relevant documents, select the required document and press OK.

The Consent Manager will be updated with the date the document was generated. A copy of the Privacy Policy document is saved automatically in the Client Documents file.

Adding an Introducer to the Client Record

The Key has the capacity to associate a professional contact e.g. estate agent, solicitor or accountant with a new Client record. These contacts are known as Introducers. The introducer can be created at the same as the new client or if the Introducer is already on file then it's possible to search the Contacts database and link an existing Introducer with the new client.

Click here to learn more about Managing Contacts.

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