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Submissions Brain: Lender Document (TSB, DIP)
Submissions Brain: Lender Document (TSB, DIP)

Guidance on what to send, track, and receive from lenders on Submissions Brain.

Written by Hayden Richardson
Updated over 4 years ago

Please note that you can expand any of the screenshots by clicking them (they will open in a new tab) and that the applicable screenshot follows each sentence.

In this guide:

Advisers must be registered with TSB prior to using Submissions Brain forms

For any queries, please contact TSB; for details of the most appropriate contact method, please visit:

Advisers must be registered with TSB prior to using Submissions Brain forms. TSB only require that the company name, adviser’s name, and FCA reference are entered at the top of the form. If you have any queries about your registration, please contact TSB directly.

The TSB DIP Submissions Brain form can be used to submit cases for Owner Occupation, Second Property and BTL properties. The TSB DIP is accessed and completed in the same way as other Submissions Brain forms, whether accessing Submissions Brain through Sourcing Brain, directly using a browser, or from the lender list within The Key.

Once an adviser has completed a TSB DIP form, they will be able to access the Send Form button at the end of the application form as shown.

Note: Accessing a Send Form button from within the Submissions Brain form itself has been introduced for the Accord and TSB DIP forms but will be added to all other Submissions Brain forms as soon as possible.

Completing TSB DIP to be ‘Ready to Send’

When an adviser clicks the Send Form button, Submissions Brain will check the form is ready. If the DIP is not complete, a message will appear requesting all the mandatory fields from the action list on the left-hand side of the screen are completed.

Clicking OK returns an adviser to the form, where they can access the action list and finish completing the mandatory fields. Once all fields are completed, the adviser presses the Send Form button again.

Please note: As with all Submissions Brain forms, the adviser can still close and save (and re-edit) the form as many times as they wish. They do not have to complete all fields all at once.

Submitting the DIP to TSB

Once the TSB DIP is complete, and the adviser has pressed the Send Form button, a confirmation message is displayed.

If the adviser clicks No, they will be returned to the form. The adviser can then choose to close and save the TSB DIP and it will be stored on the Home Page until they are ready to submit it to TSB.

If the adviser clicks Yes, Submissions Brain will display the following:

If the adviser clicks OK, Submissions Brain will save the form, and then send the TSB DIP data to TSB; whilst Submissions Brain is doing this, in a new browser tab, the following screen will be displayed.

Note: If the adviser is using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, they may need to enable pop-ups for this to work.

If a new browser tab does not open, as in the example screenshot below showing Google Chrome, a warning may be displayed showing that a pop-up has been blocked.

If successful, in the original browser tab, Submissions Brain will return to the Home Page whilst the adviser completes the DIP form within TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal.

In the new browser tab, the adviser is taken to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal login page as shown. As noted on the pop-up message displayed by Submissions Brain, there is a limited time (3 minutes) for the adviser to successfully log in to the TSB Mortgage Pro portal and continue to the progress of this form.

The adviser should enter their username and password for the TSB Mortgage Pro portal; once logged in, the case details completed in Submissions Brain will be displayed as shown. As highlighted in the screenshot, the TSB Mortgage Pro portal confirms that the case has been received and can be continued within the TSB Mortgage Pro portal by clicking Create case.

Although most of the information for a decision will have been passed from Submissions Brain into the TSB Mortgage Pro portal, there are some fields, which for technical or business reasons, must be captured within the TSB Mortgage Pro portal. Once this has been done, the case can be progressed within the TSB Mortgage Pro portal, for example to get an illustration or to get a decision.

Any changes to the case, checking for tracking updates, progression to a full mortgage application, submission of documents etc. is all done within the TSB Mortgage Pro portal.

What is shown within Submissions Brain following submission to TSB?

Once the TSB DIP has been successfully submitted from Submissions Brain to TSB, the TSB DIP will appear in the Submissions Brain Home Page. The Status will be Sent and the Description will be Data Submitted.

Clicking on the envelope icon on the left-hand of the row will display additional information. Following a successful submission from Submissions Brain to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal, all further actions for that case will take place within TSB’s Mortgage Pro Portal.

DIP submission issues from Submissions Brain to TSB

In exceptional circumstances, if the DIP information was not successfully transmitted to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal or for any reason the case was not created within the required time, a Resubmit option is available from the Actions button, as shown. As with the initial completion and submission of the DIP to TSB, this can be simply done by clicking on the Send Form button at the bottom of the TSB DIP. Submissions Brain will follow the same sequence as previously described. If necessary, it is possible to amend the data in the Submissions Brain TSB DIP form before attempting resubmission to TSB’s Mortgage Pro.

Please note: resubmission to the TSB Mortgage Pro portal is only appropriate when the initial submission of data failed in some way, such that a TSB case was not successfully created.

Unsuccessful submission of TSB DIP due to communication error

Although very unlikely, if the initial connection and submission of the DIP information to TSB fails due to a basic connectivity problem, the adviser will not be taken to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal login page. Instead, the adviser will see a pop-up error message pop-up box on the screen as shown below.

The adviser will click on the OK button to acknowledge the error message and it will disappear. The adviser will be returned to the TSB DIP form in Submissions Brain, where they can retry the Send Form button as it could be a simple, temporary connection problem. Alternatively, or if the error persists, the adviser can save and close the Submissions Brain TSB DIP form, returning to the Submissions Brain Home Page.

The status and description on the home page would read Status: Ready to Send, Description: Form complete and valid. The adviser then has the option of resubmitting again at a later stage. The simplest way to try resubmitting to TSB is from the Actions menu, selecting the Edit option. Submissions Brain will follow the same sequence as previously described for the initial submission of the DIP to TSB. If necessary, it is possible to amend the data in the TSB DIP form in Submissions Brain before attempting resubmission to TSB’s Mortgage Pro platform.

Unsuccessful submission of TSB DIP – Iress error – Lender Connect business error

Although very unlikely, if the initial connection and submission of the DIP information to TSB fails due to a technical problem, the adviser will not be taken to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal login page. Instead, the adviser will see an error page displayed in a new browser tab, like the example shown below.

In this instance, contrary to the on-screen instructions, the adviser should contact Mortgage Brain.

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Technical limitations on pre-population of data from Submissions Brain TSB DIP to TSB

Although most of the information for a decision will have been passed from Submissions Brain into the TSB Mortgage Pro portal, there are some fields, which for technical reasons, in common with other integrations to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal, must be captured or enhanced within the TSB system.

For example, Other Income (and Income into Retirement), the most common types of other income can be entered into the TSB Submissions Brain DIP, but if the applicant(s) have an income type that is not shown in the dropdown list within the TSB Submissions Brain DIP, then this additional information must be entered within TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal.

Director or Shareholder income detail

For applicant(s) that have employment income that is entered as ‘Director or Shareholder’ income, this is fully captured in the TSB Submissions Brain DIP.

However, for technical reasons in common with other integrations to TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal, the applicant(s) employment status must be re-entered within the TSB Mortgage Pro portal. As soon as the employment status is re-entered within TSB’s Mortgage Pro portal, all the dependent income detail that was entered in the TSB DIP on Submissions Brain will appear in TSB Mortgage Pro portal.

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