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Submissions Brain: Lender Document
Submissions Brain: Lender Document

Guidance on what to send, track, and receive from lenders on Submissions Brain.

Written by Hayden Richardson
Updated over 4 years ago

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Coventry & Godiva

Brokers are required to register prior to using Submissions Brain

National sales: 0800 121 7788

For registered users, the Preferred Intermediary code is entered on the Submissions Brain form, typically 3-digits and 3-letters e.g. 123ABC.

In summary

The Coventry/Godiva Application in Principle (AIP) and Full Mortgage Application (FMA) can be used to submit either residential or buy to let cases, for purchase or remortgage. If an AIP is submitted, it must get an Accept decision before progressing to a full application. If an AIP is submitted, once a decision is returned, if required, the AIP can be amended, for example for a different loan amount, and resubmitted for a revised decision.

If preferred, a Coventry/Godiva full application can be submitted without having to create and submit an AIP; at present, Coventry/Godiva are the only lender on Submissions Brain to offer this feature.


Once an AIP form is completed, saved and closed, you will then be able to send and track your AIP.

You will receive a case reference with all applications (CBSnnnnnnn for Coventry [Residential] cases and GMLnnnnnnn for Godiva [Buy to Let] cases).

If you receive an Agreement In Principle Accepted response, a mortgage certificate will be returned with the response and you will be able to proceed to FMA.

The acceptance that Coventry returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon on the left-hand side of the Home Page.

The mortgage certificate will be returned as a PDF. You can access it by clicking on the envelope icon, selecting the ‘AIPC dd/mm/yy’ tab and then clicking on the hyperlink to ‘View ... PDF’, as shown below.

If you receive a Form Errors, please edit response you will need to edit the form via Action dropdown, Edit option. When editing the form, the action list will show the errors that need correcting. Clicking on an error in the action list will highlight the field that the error relates to and also display any additional information about the error that has been returned from Coventry.

Once the errors have been corrected, the form can then be saved, closed and re-sent to the lender via the Send/Track All screen.

If you receive an Agreement In Principle Referred response, you can see the details that Coventry has returned, including the reason(s) for referral, e.g. ‘The loan amount requested and LTV require review. (R108)’ by clicking on the envelope icon.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Coventry’s underwriters.

You can also continue to track the case, via the Send/Track All screen, as Coventry will update the status of the case on their systems, which Submissions Brain will retrieve. If Coventry subsequently assign an Agreement In Principle Accepted response, you will receive a mortgage certificate and be able to proceed to Full Mortgage Application.

If you receive an Agreement In Principle Declined response, you can see the details that Coventry has returned, including the reason(s) for the decline, e.g. ‘The gifted deposit is to be repaid. (D004)’, by clicking on the envelope icon.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Coventry’s underwriters.

Please note: As shown on this screenshot, you cannot (normally) proceed with an application under these circumstances, e.g. Coventry’s systems will not return an Accept decision for this application. However, depending on the reason for the decline decision, if the broker successfully appeals an Agreement In Principle Declined and the decision and it is overturned without needing to amend any of the submitted data, the original AIP will have its status changed to Agreement In Principle Accepted by Coventry and can then be ‘Tracked’ and converted to an FMA within Submissions Brain. If it is overturned but some of the data originally submitted does need to be changed, then a new AIP must be submitted.


Once the Coventry/Godiva Full Mortgage Application form has been completed and submitted to Coventry, depending on the case, you will receive a number of documents (as PDFs) alongside a summary page.

If you receive a Full Mortgage Application Pending response, depending on the type of case you have submitted, you will receive several documents, such as:

  • a copy of the FMA form containing the information submitted, an intermediary declaration, a list of supporting documentation required and ID requirements

  • an illustration

  • a summary page

  • (if an AIP submitted) a copy of AIP mortgage certificate

  • (if appropriate) a remortgage transfer service instruction letter

Any case updates from Coventry can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon.

The FMA form is returned as a PDF. It can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon, selecting the ‘APP dd/mm/yy’ tab then clicking the hyperlink to ‘View ... PDF’, as shown below.

Similarly, the illustration is returned as a PDF and can be accessed in the same way by selecting the ‘ILL dd/mm/yy’ tab and then clicking on the hyperlink to View …PDF as shown below.

Once the case is submitted, based upon the information provided in the application form, you will receive an email from Coventry confirming all the documents required.

If there is a need for any additional documentation, Coventry will confirm any additional documentation required. Details of any outstanding documents for any case can be viewed in the Case Management section of Coventry’s intermediary website once you have logged in.

Any documents or proofs that are required can be securely submitted to Coventry in a number of ways as advised on their website.

Coventry’s systems return case tracking information to Submissions Brain; the description shown in the case’s row on the Submissions Brain Home Page have the following meanings:

Description (Submissions Brain Home Page)


Full MortgageApplication Pending

Case has been submitted, no underwriting has happened yet and a valuation has not been instructed.

Full Mortgage Application Processing

Case has been submitted, underwriting has taken place and a valuation has been instructed.

Full Mortgage Application Offer

An offer has been issued. A PDF of the offer letter will have been returned to Submissions Brain which is accessed by clicking on the envelope icon.

Full Mortgage Application Declined

The case has been declined

If appropriate, more detailed status information for the case can be viewed in the Case Management section of Coventry’s intermediary website.

In most cases, following an FMA submission to Coventry/Godiva, you should be able to see the case when logging into the Case Management section of Coventry’s intermediary website.

However in some cases, it can take up to 1 working day if Coventry’s systems detect a possible match an existing customer. This requires a manual process at Coventry to confirm if the potential matched customer is the same customer; this processing only takes places during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00).

If you have any queries or problems, please contact Coventry.


Brokers are required to register prior to using Submissions Brain

National sales: 0800 545 31 31

In summary

Both Applications in Principles and Full Mortgage Applications can be submitted.


Once completed the form will be saved. You will then be able to Send & Track your AIP/DIP.

You will receive a decision, reference, DIP response, case requirement and cover sheet.

All of this will be visible in the page responses, returned in the Send/Track session, which can be accessed by clicking the envelope icon on the left-hand side of the Home Page.

The DIP Response tab will show the status of the case, including the decision and options for remodelling the case.

The Case Reqs tab will show a list of the documents required by Nationwide to support the application.

The Cover Sheets tab shows a link to a PDF, when clicked the PDF document will open.

If you receive a Form Errors, please edit response you will need to edit the form via Action dropdown, Edit option. When editing the form, the action list will show the errors that need correcting. Clicking on an error in the action list will highlight the field that the error relates to and also display any additional information about the error that has been returned from Nationwide.

Once the errors have been corrected, the form can then be saved, closed and re-sent to the lender via the Send/Track All screen.

If you receive a Refer this will be updated by Nationwide to an Accept or Decline within Nationwide’s SLA and you will need to keep tracking the case until the decision is returned.

If you receive a Decline, the messages in the DIP response will indicate if a revised application may be acceptable. If so, the form should be edited and appropriate amendments made. The form should then be resubmitted for a revised decision.

If the DIP response does not indicate a revised application may be acceptable the form cannot be edited, and the case is closed.

A DIP can be submitted without property details and a decision returned however the form must be resubmitted with property details before an FMA can be submitted.


A DIP form can be converted to an FMA and an Accepted or Referred DIP can be submitted.

Please note: Submitting an FMA for a Referred case runs a risk that it will not subsequently be changed to an Accept.

If any fees are due for the selected Product or Valuation and they are not being added to the loan they must be paid before the FMA can be submitted. If a payment is required the Pay Now button will be revealed in the form.

When Pay Now is clicked the Nationwide Secure Payment application will launch in a new pop up window.

After completing the payment process a receipt ID will be returned to the FMA form.

After submitting and tracking the FMA form you will receive updates in the page response accessed by the envelope icon.

The FMA Response tab shows the overall status of the case.

The Prod Res tab will show the details of any product reserved for the application.

Contact Tab info gives the information that will be used to contact the intermediary if there are any questions on the application.

The Illustration tab provides a hyperlink to the mortgage illustration for the case. When clicked the mortgage illustration will be displayed.

Case Reqs tab gives details on the outstanding documents required by Nationwide to support the application. Any documents that have been supplied previously, and met the requirements, will not be shown in this tab.

History tab provides a history of significant events for the application, from both AIP and FMA.

The DIP Cert tab provides a hyperlink to the DIP certificate for the case. When clicked the DIP Cert will be displayed.

The Cover Sheets tab shows a link to a PDF, when clicked the PDF document will open.

This provides a cover sheet for faxing documentation to Nationwide, using the Attach Documents link is the preferred way of submitting documents.

The Declaration tab provides a hyperlink to the Declaration for the case. When clicked the Declaration will be displayed.

The App Summary tab provides a hyperlink to the application summary for the case showing all the data submitted in the AIP and FMA. When clicked the application summary will be displayed.

If case requirements are requested. In either the DIP or FMA responses, you can attach them by clicking on the Attach Documents link when viewing page responses or selecting the Attach Documents option on the actions button.

This page will show the full list of documents requested and those where a document has already been attached.

For those still requiring a document to be attached the Attach button should be clicked.

The Choose file button allows a file to be selected from the local machine.

The Attach Other Document button allows ad-hoc documents to be attached and submitted to Nationwide. This is for documents that have not been explicitly requested but you feel will help progress the case.

Populate the Request and Reference fields to explain what the document is. The document is attached in the same way as Nationwide requested documents.

The documents will be sent to Nationwide the next time you do a Send/Track request for the form.


Brokers are required to register prior to using Submissions Brain

Telephone: 0345 070 1999

Brokers must have a business relationship with Platform and register their URD ID, typically 2-letters followed by 6-digits (e.g. AB123456), on Platform’s systems to use Submissions Brain.

When registering with Platform, or when updating existing registration details, the URD ID must be entered by ticking the Are you an MTE user? box which will display the MTE User Id field (as shown below on the screenshot of Platform’s registration page).

In Summary

The Platform DIP and FMA can be used to submit either Residential or Buy to Let cases, for purchase or remortgage. A Platform DIP must always be submitted and get an Accept decision before progressing to an FMA.

Following a DIP decision from Platform, either an Accept or Decline, if required, the DIP can be amended, for example for a different loan amount, and resubmitted for a revised decision. Platform do not return Refer decisions.

Please note: If Platform update their product range after a DIP Accept decision has been returned, the DIP must be resubmitted to Platform for an updated decision. In this situation, a clear message within the Full Mortgage Application will explain and enforce this.


Once the Decision in Principle (DIP) form is completed, saved and closed, you will then be able to Send and Track your DIP. Initially you may see Message Received or Processing – Credit Check as the description of the case on the Submissions Brain Home Page; in which case you need to Track again in a few minutes.

If you receive a DIP accepted response, you will receive a DIP accept summary and be able to proceed to Full Mortgage Application. The acceptance that Platform has returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon at the left-hand end of the row on the Home Page.

If you receive a Form Errors, please edit response you will need to edit the form via using the Edit button from the Actions dropdown.

When editing the form, the Action List will contain a list of errors to be corrected; clicking on the error in the Action List will highlight the field that the error relates to and also display any additional information about the error that has been returned from Platform.

Once the errors have been corrected, the form can then be saved and closed and re-sent to the lender via the Send/Track All screen.

If you receive a Decision in Principle declined response, you will receive a DIP decline summary and a DIP decline letter. You will not be able to proceed to Full Mortgage Application. The decline information that Platform has returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon.

Following a DIP Decline decision from Platform, if appropriate, the DIP can be amended, for example for a different loan amount, and resubmitted for a revised decision. If an Accept decision is returned, to this DIP, you will then be able to proceed to Full Mortgage Application.

The DIP decline letter is returned as a PDF. It can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon, selecting the DIP decline letter tab and then clicking on the hyperlink to View ... PDF as shown below.

Based on the DIP decline summary or DIP decline letter, if appropriate, the DIP can be amended and resubmitted for a revised decision.

If you have any queries or concerns please contact Platform.


In order to create a Platform Full Mortgage Application form, click the Actions button at the right-hand end of the row for the Platform DIP (with an Accept decision) on the Home Page, selecting the Convert option. Follow the normal process, selecting the Full Mortgage Applications ‘tab’ within the Convert Form / Convert Application dialogue.

Within the Platform Full Application, it is vital that you select the correct product range within the product selection section of the form. If you are unsure about the selection or the option you wish to select is not in the dropdown list, you should please contact Platform’s customer care team.

Once the Platform FMA form is completed, saved and closed, you will then be able to Send and Track the Full Application.

note that the corresponding Platform DIP remains in a trackable state at this point, which is by design and you should let Submissions Brain ‘track’ the DIP in addition to the Send and Track request for the FMA.

Please note: Platform’s Submissions Brain processing means that you will receive a different case reference for the FMA compared to the Platform DIP it was created from. However, as shown, Platform will update the description of both the DIP and Full Application rows on the Submissions Brain Home Page with details of the Case Reference, e.g. ‘App Accepted (from Dip 301454484)’ and ‘Dip Accepted (App 503211483 created)’.

If an upfront fee payment is required, this is dealt with securely within the Platform FMA form on Submissions Brain. You will see the following on the Submissions Brain Home Page following a Send and Track of the case.

To resolve this, edit the FMA by selecting the Edit option from the Actions dropdown or by clicking on ‘Awaiting payment, please edit’ in the Status column.

On editing the FMA, you will see a ‘Pay Now’ button.

Clicking Pay Now will launch a new browser window/tab to Platform’s secure payment page complete the short form and click the Purchase button to complete the fee payment. After this, you will see a confirmation of a successful payment followed by instruction to return to the Submissions Brain form and to Send and Track the FMA to Platform.

The Platform FMA will now display a radio button Was payment successful? – click on Yes or No as appropriate, and then save and close the form - you will then be able to Send and Track the application.

If you receive a App Accepted (from Dip 123456789) response, you will receive a number of documents (PDFs), such as a copy of the pre-filled application form containing the information submitted, a direct debit and a checklist, plus an Application accept summary page. The acceptance that Platform has returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon.

The pre-filled application form is returned as a PDF; it is also accessed by clicking on the envelope icon, then selecting the pre-filled application tab and then clicking on the hyperlink to View ...PDF as shown below.

Similarly, the Checklist is returned as a PDF; it is also accessed by clicking on the envelope icon, selecting the checklist tab, then clicking on the hyperlink to View ... PDF.

Following submission of a Full Application, which has reached the App Accepted (from Dip 123456789) stage, the case will be visible in Platform’s intermediary website.

The Application accept summary will detail the information required for that case e.g. “Three months computerised payslips for applicant” and/or “Latest full month’s personal bank statement showing income and/or salary credits, general expenditure and household bills for Applicant 1.”

The information that Platform require to progress the case can be uploaded via Platform’s intermediary website, i.e. the Upload a Document option on the Documents tab in ClickTrack. If you have any queries regarding the case or the use of Platform’s intermediary website, please call Platform’s Customer Care Team.

Platform product launches

As previously noted, if Platform update their product range after a DIP Accept decision has been returned, the DIP must be resubmitted to Platform for an updated decision. In this situation, a clear message within the Full Application will explain and enforce this.

You can save the Full Application form, but you will not be able to Send and Track it until you have resubmitted the DIP to Platform. To do this, you must first edit the DIP via the Edit option of the Actions dropdown button at the right-hand end of the DIP’s row on the Submissions Brain Home Page.

When editing the DIP, initially all fields will be read-only and a new question ‘What would you like to do?’ is displayed, with detailed on-screen instructions. As highlighted below, you should select the first option ‘Resubmit the DIP to Platform, without any amendments …’.

The DIP fields will remain read-only and a pop-up message will instruct you to close and save the DIP and Send and Track it to Platform.

Following the Send and Tracking of the DIP to Platform, it should receive an Accept decision and a new case reference.

When you re-edit the FMA, you will see that the dead-stops are no longer shown and you can proceed to complete the form, saving, closing and submitting it to Platform as normal.

Virgin Money

Brokers must be registered with Virgin Money prior to using Submissions Brain forms

Telephone: 0345 601680

To submit an application to Virgin Money, you will need to enter the ‘P-number’ at the top of the Virgin Money AIP form on Submissions Brain. If you have any queries about your registration or would like to check that the ‘P-number’ you have is correct, please see the Registration section below and/or contact Virgin Money.

In Summary

The Virgin Money AIP and FMA can be used to submit either Residential or Buy to Let cases, for purchase or remortgage. A Virgin Money AIP must always be submitted and get an Accept decision before progressing to a Full Mortgage Application. If an AIP is submitted, once a decision is returned, if required, the AIP can be amended, for example for a different loan amount, and resubmitted for a revised decision.


To submit business via Submissions Brain advisers must be registered with Virgin Money and then associate their Virgin Money PNumber with their Submissions Brain URD credentials. Please note that Virgin Money only accept Submissions Brain submissions from the registered broker; they do not accept Submissions Brain submissions from administrators, assistants etc.

If you are not registered to submit business to Virgin Money, you should complete the online registration form on Virgin Money’s website. As part of this process, you can inform Virgin Money that you would like to submit business via Submissions Brain. Virgin Money will then advise you of the P-number(s) that you will need when submitting cases via Submissions Brain.

For any registration queries, please contact Virgin Money Regional Service Team.


Once the AIP form is completed, saved and closed, you will then be able to Send and Track your AIP. You will receive a Case Reference with all applications, typically an 8-digit number starting with ‘03’.

If you receive an AIP Accepted response, the Decision and Certificate of Mortgage Decision will be returned with the response and you will be able to proceed to Full Mortgage Application.

The acceptance that Virgin Money has returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon at the left-hand side of the Home Page.

If you receive an ‘AIP Referred. Please track’. response, when you click on the envelope icon, Virgin Money will continue to review the submission. You should use the ‘Send/Track All’ link to track the case regularly to receive Virgin Money’s decision.

If you receive an AIP Declined response, the related information that Virgin Money has returned can be accessed by clicking on the envelope icon.

AIP – Invalid PNumber Error

When submitting your first AIP to Virgin Money via Submissions Brain, if there is a problem with your registration at Virgin Money, you will probably receive a ‘Status’ of ‘Form Errors, please edit’ and a Description of ‘Invalid PNumber. Please verify this or contact Virgin Money.

If you need to check or amend the ‘P-number’ you entered on the Submissions Brain form, click the ‘Actions’ dropdown at the right-hand end of the row and select the ‘Edit’ option. Please note that Virgin Money do not return any ‘Lender Messages’ content, as per screenshot

Please note: If you do edit the AIP, when you exit the form, it will become Ready to Send, but unless any underlying registration issue at Virgin Money is resolved, you will receive a ‘Status’ of ‘Form Errors, please edit’ and a ‘Description’ of ‘Invalid PNumber. Please verify this or contact Virgin Money.’ again.

Please see the Registration section for further information.


In order to create a Virgin Money Full Mortgage Application form, click the Actions dropdown at the right-hand end of the row for the Virgin Money AIP (with an Accept decision) on the Home Page, then select the Convert option. Follow the normal process, selecting the Full Mortgage Applications tab within the Convert Form/Convert Application dialogue.

All the data that was entered into the AIP is automatically carried forward into the Full Mortgage Application, although if any changes are necessary, you can make these within the FMA form.

Once the FMA form is completed, saved and closed, you will then be able to Send and Track your Full Application. You will receive a case reference with all applications, typically an 8-digit number starting with ‘03’. It will be the same Case Reference as the AIP.

Please note that Virgin Money do not return any ‘Lender Messages’ content, as per screenshot below, nor any further case tracking updates to Submissions Brain; the Description of FAF Submitted is the last status update that is returned to Submissions Brain.

FMA – Up-front fee payment

If there are any up-front fees to be paid on application, this will be done during the Full Mortgage Application on Submissions Brain. As per the screenshot below, a Pay Now button and a Transaction ID field will be revealed.

When the Pay Now button is clicked, a new browser tab will open, which is Virgin Money’s secure payments page (WorldPay). Please follow the simple on-screen steps to make a secure card payment.

Following a successful fee payment, please note down the WorldPay Transaction ID and enter this into the Transaction ID field on the Virgin Money Full Mortgage Application on Submissions Brain.

FMA – General post-submission information

  • Decision certificates – available on request by calling the Virgin Money Regional Service Team on 0345 6010680

  • Document upload – intermediaries will receive an email from Virgin Money’s processing team confirming the list of requirements needed. This email will contain a case specific link that takes the broker to the document upload portal.

  • Static documents - mortgage declarations and any other forms that the brokers need to complete can be found on the useful download section of Virgin Money’s website.

  • Offers – will be emailed to brokers (as well as being issued to customers and solicitors).

Please note: Submissions Brain cases do not show in VMO; if you have any queries about the case, please contact Virgin Money.

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